Best Bad Credit Small Business Loan Companies

Bad credit rating doesn’t immediately spell doom for your small business. It will bring higher interest rates, sure, but you can still use the strength of your business idea to your advantage. Bad credit small business lenders pay more attention to your revenue than your credit score, meaning you can still get a manageable loan and get your business off the ground. Here’s our list of the best bad credit small business loan companies on the market: is an independent professional comparison site supported by referral fees from the sites which are ranked on the site. The Loan Companies sites and Special Offers that we present are from companies from which receives compensation. This compensation impacts the ranking of the sites. Other factors, including our own opinions, your location and likelihood of signing up for the site, may also impact how the ranking of the sites appears to a particular user. cannot and does not present information about every Loan provider or Loan offer available. Close
OnDeck logo


OnDeck deals in small business loans with term loans going up to 500k and lines of credit up to 100k. The application takes a couple of minutes and the cash is available in 24 hours.
9.3Our Rating
4User Rating
4/5 - (5 votes)
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BlueVine logo


Launched in 2013, BlueVine introduced a web-based factoring platform, revolutionizing the world of factoring in general and allowing small business owners and truckers to get quick access to cash.
8.5Our Rating
4.3User Rating
4.2/5 - (4 votes)
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Dealstruck logo


Dealstruck offers business loans up to 350k and lines of credit up to 500k. They feature a variety of different options and their team will help you find the best solution for your needs.
8.1Our Rating
4User Rating
4/5 - (3 votes)
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