Best Bad Credit Payday Loan Companies

Payday loans are generally small and given for a short period of time, usually until your next payday, hence the name. They are quite expensive and often viewed as a last resort in times of sudden financial crisis. Therefore, it is a very good idea to compare as many different payday lenders as possible before borrowing money. Here is our list of the best bad credit payday loan companies: is an independent professional comparison site supported by referral fees from the sites which are ranked on the site. The Loan Companies sites and Special Offers that we present are from companies from which receives compensation. This compensation impacts the ranking of the sites. Other factors, including our own opinions, your location and likelihood of signing up for the site, may also impact how the ranking of the sites appears to a particular user. cannot and does not present information about every Loan provider or Loan offer available. Close
Bad Credit Loans Review Logo

Bad Credit Loans

Bad Credit Loans is a veteran among loan brokers, with more than 19 years of experience on the market. A wide spectrum of affiliated lenders guarantees the perfect loan for every request.
9.6Our Rating
4User Rating
4/5 - (1 vote)
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maxlend review


MaxLend is a lending company owned and operated by the Hidatsa, Mandan, and Arikara Nation American Tribes. It was launched in 2013 and it presents an alternative solution to costly payday loans.
9.5Our Rating
3.8User Rating
3.8/5 - (6 votes)
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Check Into Cash

Check Into Cash is a direct lender offering payday loans, allowing you to get some instant cash when you absolutely need it. You can apply either online or in-store.
9.7Our Rating
4.4User Rating
4.4/5 - (7 votes)
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Net Loan Express logo

Net Loan Express

Net Loan Express is a company that specializes in matching individuals in search of fast payday loans with lenders that offer the best loan terms. The maximum payday loan value is $1000.
9.7Our Rating
4.4User Rating
4.4/5 - (5 votes)
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CashNetUSA logo


CashNetUSA is a direct lender that does not only offer fast payday loans but also lets you open a line of credit so you can easily borrow cash anytime you need, without reapplying.
9.1Our Rating
4User Rating
4/5 - (4 votes)
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Check City logo

Check City

Check City is a popular loan company that offers quick, easy, and convenient payday loans both online and in one of their stores in a stress-free and transparent manner.
8.5Our Rating
3.6User Rating
3.6/5 - (7 votes)
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Ace Cash Express Review

ACE Cash Express

With ACE Cash Express, you get an instant response to your request when you apply for a payday loan. The cash is transferred to your account overnight or you can pick it up at a nearby store.
8.2Our Rating
3.6User Rating
3.6/5 - (5 votes)
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LendUp logo


If you are in need of some quick cash, with LendUp you can get a loan of up to $250 and repay it over 30 days or you can opt for a long-term loan and pay in installments at lower rates.
7.9Our Rating
4User Rating
4/5 - (3 votes)
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